Hundreds of runners including players and officials of Portland United Football took to the streets of Portland last night in the islands annual Dumble Bimble run in memory of a father and son that lost their lives to cancer.

The Dumble Bimble is a 2k event which can be completed as a run or leisurely walk and takes place on a Tuesday in early September.

There is an additional five-mile event taking place for those over 16.

The annual run is organised by The Royal Manor of Portland Athletic Club, in memory of two former members, Alan and Andrew Dumble, who both lost their lives to cancer at early ages.

The quirky name for the event comes from their surname and Alan’s saying of ‘going out for a bimble’ when he went running.

Portland United FC’s very own Jan Camp, 79, was married to Alan.

Speaking to the Dorset Echo Jan said: “Alan was a member of the running club and he was quite an active man. He died when he was 53 from cancer of the oesophagus.

“Alan was a maths teacher at Budmouth. He was very tall with a big beard and a big solid man.

“He used to do a lot of his school planning on those runs – he was a lovely man and we had a great marriage.”

Their son Andrew died only three years later aged 31 of Hodgkin’s lymphoma, and organisers added his name to the event.

Jan said: “Andrew used to go to Weymouth Grammar School. He loved running and he also played cricket.

“To go through what he did at a young age shows strength of character.”

The club is hoping to raise money for Weldmar Hospicecare Trust.

Jan added: “Neither of them made use of Weldmar, but I know many people that have used the hospice and I thought it was a good place for the money to go – every penny goes to the hospice.